Tuesday, March 1, 2011


First of all, I need to apologize for leaving you all hanging for so long. So, I am sorry!

I am not a writer by any means and have been struggling to come up with the words to capture what this experience has done for me. The physical part (the numbers) is the easiest so I will start with that.

Over the two week period I lost 10.1lbs, 7.75 inches, and 2.2% body fat.

For me the real journey started over eight years ago, when I was... well, see for yourself.

Many have asked how I did it and the simple answer is the the same thing they preach at Fitness Ridge... diet and exercise. Simple right??? But simple doesn't mean easy. It is the mental part that can create the biggest obstacles for us.

What Fitness Ridge did for me was serve as a reminder that I can do this. That I have what it takes inside me. I just need to make the decision that I want it and that I am worth it. I can eat that bag of salt and pepper chips or that half gallon of ice cream, BUT is that really what I want or more importantly what I need??? If I am honest with myself the answer is always HELL NO!!! Sometimes what I may really need is a hug and most times it is just a kick in the butt to snap out of it. Things like chips, ice cream, snickers bar, big mac meals, large fries... all those things don't love me, they may love to hang out on my hips and add to the junk in my over stuffed trunk, but there is no love, no companionship, and nothing that will help me out of a rut or accomplish any goals worth attaining.

There are those of us who say things like "I can't, I try and nothing works." My dad had a saying for when us kids told him we can't do something, he said "Can't is a lazy man's excuse." And he is soooo right. We can, all of us but we just need to make that decision. One of the trainers, Nicole, said that when we get home and we share with people that we worked out for 7 hours a day, they will ask us why??? Again the answer is simple, because we CAN!

To shave over 3 minutes off my per mile pace on Stop Sign, to do 10mph on the treadmill even for only 30 seconds,  to do back to back Mountain classes, to make it to the optional 6am class every day, to just show up... to accomplish all this in just 2 short weeks at the Ridge felt better than any amount of chocolate ever tasted and leaves me craving more.

I want to thank my hiking buddies, Lisa, Kathy and Emily, if it wasn't for them and knowing we were in it together I am not sure I would have shown up to all the hikes! So thank you ladies.

Janette and Julie, my friends, it was awesome to get to finally meet in person and I only wish that we lived closer so that you all could continue to get me movin. I don't think you realize how many times I showed up (especially for the 6am class) just because I knew you both were gonna be there!! Thank you for always saving me a spot and getting my mat ready for me.  You both better get ready because I am gonna come up to Seattle and do a 2-3day mini Ridge!!! Thank you both for making this experience more than I ever expected and for giving me a safe place to hide out!!! Seriously!!! ;-)

To the trainers, Paige, Sharon, Robin, Anna Marie, Nicole, Tiffany, Marjorie and (Stretchin with...) Gretchen thank you for the hours of pain and torture. Seriously, thank you helping me to go farther, faster, harder, and longer than I ever thought I could. The intense level of caring, compassion and belief you have for what you do and the people you do it for just radiates from each of you.

Jennifer and Emily, thank you for giving us the numbers and showing us how to "kiss" the weight off. (kiss = Keep It Simple Skinny). 

I will end on with this... on all the hikes we went on there was always a song that was playing the back of my mind, it is by Miley Cyrus called The Climb and here are some of the lyrics...

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna to make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waitin on the other side
It's the climb

On our last night at graduation we went around the room sharing our thoughts and experiences and I would like to leave you all with this as well.

The math behind losing weight is Simple, burn more calories than we consume. Simple right??? But simple isn't easy. Another fact is, this isn't an "All In" game people. This is life, and "Stuff" happens to all of us. Just like the song says some days we're gonna have to lose, but as long as at the end of the line we have won more than we lost, we WIN.  Food can never give us a high like living life can. So just show up,  give it what you got in that moment, and know that you are WORTH IT!!!

Good Night All! ;-) ♥